Got Questions? We've got answers!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Browse topics below. Find what you need easily. Let your curiosity lead the way!


  • How do I create an account?
  • How can I reset my password?
  • Is there a free trial available?
  • Is my personal information secure?
  • What browsers are supported?


  • How do I create an account on app?
  • What do I do if I forget my password?
  • How do I change my account settings?
  • Is my personal information secure?
  • Is my data encrypted and secure?


  • Can I customize settings within the app?
  • How do I create an account on app?
  • How do I clear the app cache?
  • How can I cancel my subscription?
  • Is my data encrypted and secure?
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We’re dedicated to helping our partners improve their auditing and reporting compliance with specialised solutions customized to their needs.
Mon–Fri: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Crede Technologies Inc.
400-601 West Broadway, Vancouver,
BC V5Z 4C2, Canada